Then that criticism also applies to the other matches except maybe the original

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Then that criticism also applies to the other matches except maybe the original

Then that criticism also applies to the other matches except maybe the original. Every time a new AC comes people examine the older game's villagers with rose tinted glasses. I also feel as though people are missing/ignoring the new dialogue added every month ingame and the fact that villagers will usually say something special if you talk to Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells them more than 2-3 times. It's not like old games didn't have the difficulties of dialogue repeating villagers of the identical type feeling like the exact same individual.

The situational conversation the first 2-3 times is definitely the worst part of talking to villagers and probably why folks believe that they have no personality. The funny and intriguing dialog being hidden behind it makes it tedious sometimes. I really don't care that somebody saw me burying money again yesterday, I wish to hear about your wacky antics!

They are also all a little too sweet, which looks kind of bland and generic. But frankly I have never been randomly told off by one of my friends/neighbors IRL therefore it's realistic in a way. Just a little sass would not hurt, though.

I really don't feel like villagers were really that more diverse in old games. Realistically it comes down to having matters to do/reasons to test in about the sport that keeps people playing. I am not convinced a little more dialog is the gap between 50 hours and 500.

I would really like to see any data on this. It feels like there's more diverse conversation in this one than at any the prior one's to me, and I've got hundreds of hours in each game. Only difference is the lack of meaner villagers when compared with the first.

The problem lies in the samey lines which constantly come out the first time you speak to them daily. You have to keep talking for them to get to the intriguing and more diverse stuff, which is still an issue since few people talk to their own villagers over a few times per day.

I agree, I played the game for about a cheap Animal Crossing Bells week and then recognized Stardew does everything that this match does but does it even better.
