Is not there also a problem in general

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Questions about RuneScape gold which may be asked at this stage

Why wasn't this done before release/done so quickly post-release? The potions were analyzed and balanced ahead to a level that we were happy with their own effects. It was just after tracking combat post release on a big scale that we could observe the randomness of hit chances were effected in a negative manner. With the increased numbers"under the hood" so to speak, the randomness of hitting versus maybe not hitting a fight between differently buffed players had tipped in a way we didn't intend. As a result, more players may have lost an unfair struggle from the start. This is something we'll look to rectify later on with the battle system changes.

Why don't you allow them in PvP but make the tradeable? A fair point, but we want these potions to only give benefits to players who have trained for the levels themselves. This remains the case, as individuals people who have coached profit advantages in PvE situations.

Is not there also a problem in general by Hitpoints and Max-hit? Yes. Another reason that has been considered from the removal was that a few weapons acquired ability to 1-hit a participant, or obtained closer to doing so. Whilst this phenomenon is rare, it didn't indicate it wasn't possible. In regards to both Hitpoints and Max-hitting, we will look to deal with buy osrs gold safe this in relation to the battle system changes and possibly looking closer at the Defence skill.
