If you are in the area of RuneScape associates

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In light of OSRS gold this recent spike in bot usage, I have devised a system of bot-catching techniques and tests to check to see what the probability of the player in question being a bot. Some people like to navigate different webpages while training, and I've taken that into account when devising my tests. Simply because a person fails a test does NOT mean that they are a bot, but are more inclined to be solitary.

Walk up to them and ask"Are you a bot?" Most likely, you'll find an answer, even if they are botting(they've talking bots now). However, there are still many of bots that don't respond. To check to find out whether they're really botting and not just afk, inquire when they're banking or shifting trees/rocks.

If you are in the area of RuneScape associates

Ask them a hint question. If they are fishing, then ask their mining level. If they are mining, ask their magical level, ect. ect. Should they fall for it, or don't react in any way, add 1 to the suspicion meter. Follow them about. Do they acknowledge that you're following them? Analyze their routine. Do they react immediately after a tree falls or respawns? In that case, add 2 to the feeling meter. Analyze their clicking. When they move bank their items, do they click at the exact same squares all the time? If so, add 4 to the suspicion meter. Do something exceptionally wierd that brings attention to your self. If the individual does not react, they are either afk or botting. Try whacking them using an easter carrot, or throwing snowballs at cheap RuneScape gold them to see whether you can get a reaction. If not, add 4 to the suspicion meter. Assessing their score.
